What is Natural Medicine Used For?

What is Natural Medicine Used For?

Natural medicine is the term given to remedies made from natural sources, unlike other types of medicine that are synthetic or man-made. It is important to be aware that natural medicines are not automatically safe because they are made from herbal ingredients. However, there are some herbal remedies that are known to have been used for centuries and that can still be useful in treating various conditions. The experts at KIYA Longevity believe that chronic disease in particular can be effectively managed by naturopathic doctors who prefer to use treatments with natural ingredients. Below are a few examples of natural or herbal remedies and what they are commonly used to treat. 


Ginger is a common ingredient in herbal remedies because of the many beneficial compounds it contains. It is believed to be useful in the treatment of the common cold and is often recommended as a tea to help relieve nausea in pregnancy. There have also been studies into the benefits of ginger in the prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. 

Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is a plant that grows in North America and is found in herbal treatments used for conditions such as vaginitis, painful periods, menopausal symptoms, and uterine spasms. 


Echinacea has been a popular supplement in recent times thanks to its immune-boosting properties. It is believed to be effective at preventing colds and flus and is also used in the treatment of sore throat, toothache, and nausea. Echinacea can be taken as a supplement, a tea, or it can be applied topically to treat burns and wounds. 

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is a wild plant that can be made into extracts, tea, or capsules. It has been used for centuries in the treatment of mental health conditions such as depression. Over the years, this natural plant has been used to treat everything from kidney disease to lung disease and insomnia. It has also been used to encourage wound healing. 


Ginseng is a popular ingredient in Chinese medicine and is believed to boost immunity and reduce inflammation. Ginseng is typically available as a powder, or as a tea made from steeped roots. It can help to elevate energy levels and boost brain function, so is popular with students. 

Is Natural Medicine Safe?

Most natural remedies are safe to take, but that does not mean they cannot cause side effects. In the same way that conventional medicine can affect people in different ways, so too can herbal medicine. If taken without direction from a naturopathic doctor for example, some herbal remedies could cause a variety of issues. These can range from an upset stomach to headaches and trouble sleeping. 

Since herbal medicines are classed as food supplements by the FDA, they are not tested in the same way, nor are they regulated. It is always best to seek naturopathic consultations before taking any remedies, and you should avoid buying herbal medicines online. Buying herbal medicine online could mean you end up with products that contain banned substances or that do not do what they state. You could end up suffering severe side effects from buying fake medicines. Always seek advice from a naturopathic doctor before trying herbal remedies to treat any medical condition. 


Herbal medicine has been used for centuries to treat a variety of conditions. However, just because herbal medicine is made from natural ingredients does not mean it is automatically safe to take. For advice on natural medicine, it is best to speak to an experienced naturopathic doctor who will advise you on the best remedies to take.

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